Starve a cold, feed the COVID fever

The number of Covid patients in hospital being treated primarily for Covid is actually lower than before Omicron. So called 'incidental' Covid admissions, where someone tests positive after arriving in hospital for a different reason, have risen sharply in the past few weeks and now account for the majority of new hospital admissions

London ICU doctor admits number of patients testing positive for Covid AFTER arriving at hospital for something else is a 'major problem' - as figures show two-thirds of Omicron admissions are NOT primarily for virus

  • Dr Zudin Puthucheary says patients coming into hospital who 'happen to be Covid positive' is skewing data

  • Separate figures shows nearly a third of coronavirus patients actually caught the virus on hospital wards

  • MailOnline revealed four in 10 new Omicron hospital patients in London were admitted for a different reason

This manufactured panic is not just restricted to England, of course. The fear-mongers on this side of the Atlantic have terrorized millions of asymptomatic American Democrats into rushing out to get tested for the new version of the common cold and now we’re being barraged with headlines reporting a “record number of cases” sweeping the nation. Well, gee, if you increase the number of people tested by ten, wouldn’t you expect to see more positive test results? Shh! Panic Masters at work here.