Good luck with this one

20 Oak Street, up behind the Mercedes dealer, has dropped its price to $2.9 million. Originally built in 2005 and priced at $3.750, it eventually sold to these owners in 2006 for $2.950. That must have seemed like a bargain to them (although at least some of us agents, noting the awkward location and Home Depot quality finishes, still thought it overpriced) because they put it back up for sale in 2007 for the aspirational price of $4.8 million before giving up and renting it out in ‘09.

It’s been back on the market since August 2021, when it started at $3.445, and is now, as noted, looking for $2.9. Maybe.

with all these angles, this 18-year-old roof is going to cost a whole bunch to replace