I'd thought Sam Goldbrick had converted his house on Glen Avon into homeless housing and left town, but apparently not; that's too bad.

GOLDBRICK: Camillo’s Absence at Pride and Juneteenth Events Should Not Be a Surprise

Greenwich Republican first selectman Fred Camillo was a no-show at this month’s Pride celebration at Greenwich Town Hall.  And you won’t see him at Greenwich’s Juneteenth commemoration either.  Greenwich Free Press reported that Camillo has a prior engagement.  What exactly is keeping him from attending those events?  According to his executive assistant, Ken Borsuk, the first selectman won’t appear for Juneteenth because “he’s taking some personal days and is out of Town.”


[N]o one should be surprised that Camillo would no-show for these two important [sic] celebrations.  It was Camillo, after all, who just last fall attempted to implement a “flag law” that would have allowed him to ban the flying of the Pride and the Juneteenth flags at Town Hall.  …

During his decade in the Connecticut legislature, state representative Camillo voted repeatedly for racist “voter ID” laws that targeted Black and Hispanic voters with what a federal judge in North Carolina described as “almost surgical precision.” [And what a North Carolina judge was doing in Connecticut, we’ll never know]. Camillo and his fellow Republicans also voted repeatedly against amending the Connecticut constitution to permit early voting.  ….

Fred Camillo demonstrated his hostility to the LGBTQ community by voting against the nomination of Andrew McDonald in 2018 to serve as chief justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court.  McDonald was a tremendously well qualified candidate [so say the Democrats, so so say all] for chief justice, having been a partner in a leading Connecticut law firm, serving as a state senator, and as chief legal counsel to the governor of Connecticut, before being named as an associate justice of the state supreme court.  But when he was nominated to be chief justice, the GOP balked.  You see, Andrew McDonald is openly gay, and married to a man, and Republicans were determined to demonstrate their anti-LGBTQ bigotry by blocking his nomination.  Fred Camillo and every other Republican legislator except one voted against his nomination.

Given his history, no one should be surprised that Fred Camillo can’t be bothered to show up for Pride or Juneteenth celebrations.  But no one should consider his no-shows acceptable.

Well, anyone who scoffs at feel-good, meaningless parades, slogans and suburban lawn signs, and despises those hypocritical white liberals who participate in such empty activities probably finds Fred’s refusal to join in Goldbrick’s and his fellows’ pseudo-outrage entirely acceptable.

As an aside, I’m sick of frauds like Goldbrick feeling so free to call anyone who disagrees with him a racist homophobe. If these people didn’t believe that everything and everyone was racist, I’d be offended. As it is, I suggest the following for this fine fellow: