"The cupboard is bare. There's (sic) no more cuts to make." Nancy Pelosi, 9/21/2013

“and Loan forgiveness and citizenship, too – allahu akbar, baby”

But there’s been plenty of restocking of that cupboard since she made that preposterous claim. For instance …

Dem Sen. Patty Murray Seeks Millions for Anti-Semitic Mosque Whose Leader Called Jews 'Despicable Apes'

The Muslim Association of Puget Sound hosted speakers who praised Palestinian 'martyrs,' referred to Jews as 'filth'

The Democrats’ top Senate appropriator is seeking millions of dollars in taxpayer funds for an Islamic organization in Washington state that has preached anti-Semitism, cheered Hamas’s "victory" over Israel, and hosted Palestinian activists who urge resistance against Israel "by any means necessary."

Sen. Patty Murray (D., Wash.), the chairwoman of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, requested $2.5 million for the Muslim Association of Puget Sound last month for the construction of a clinic, a massive windfall for an organization that received $6.2 million in revenue in 2022. That’s on top of an $850,000 earmark that Murray landed for the organization earlier this year to provide tech training for "underrepresented communities."


The Biden administration has awarded millions of dollars in Department of Homeland Security grants to mosques whose leaders have called Jews "an arrogant breed of people" and called on Allah to "eradicate [Zionists] from existence," the Washington Free Beacon reported.

The Muslim Association of Puget Sound, the largest Islamic group in Washington, has provided a platform for similar rhetoric. Mohammad Joban, the mosque’s head imam, apologized [uh huh] in 2019 for preaching that Allah transformed Jews into "despicable apes" for disobeying him.

Joban and other speakers hosted by the Muslim association have praised Hamas and other "liberation" groups’ attacks on Israel


The cleric, who referred to Israel as "the killers of the babies," declared the residents of Gaza the "winners" of the Israel-Hamas war. As evidence of Israel’s defeat, Joban said, "there’s no school, no university, no services" in some parts of Israel.

During a sermon on Nov. 3, Sheikh Hasib Noor called on Allah to "accept our martyrs" in Gaza and "destroy their enemy and your enemy," according to the Middle East Media Research Institute. Noor prayed to "destroy the occupying Zionists" and "cleanse the Al-Aqsa Mosque of their filth."

Then there is an event with Palestine Chronicle publisher Ramzy Baroud, whose outlet published the writings of Abdullah Aljamal, a Hamas affiliate who held three Israelis hostage in the wake of the October 7 attack.

Baroud declared at a talk hosted by the association on June 4, 2021, that Israel has "no right to self-defense" and Palestinians have a right to liberation "by any means necessary."