
…. Crockett’s increasingly inflammatory rhetoric seems like an act to me. Although she uses plenty of slang in her speech, she went to good schools, came from a solid family, and earned a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Houston Law Center. There are videos of her talking quite a bit differently and without such a pronounced accent and the slang. 

Bill Maher is no more impressed by her shtick than Strom or Hoge:

Of course, there is precedent for Crockett’s act:

Because the Irish LIKE bowing to authoritarians and being told what to do and what to say

500 days imprisonment was not enough; in fact, it was just the beginning.

Orwellian: Irish Court Seizes Cash of Teacher Denying Trans Ideology

About a century ago, the Irish suffered under the oppressive, dictatorial, and arbitrary rule of Britain. Today, they are suffering under the oppressive, dictatorial, and arbitrary rule of their own globalist oligarchs.

Teacher Enoch Burke respectfully refused to use invented pronouns for a student who claimed to be transgender. Since he was teaching at a Christian school, the young Irishman believed that his Christian belief that there are only two sexes would be respected. He was wrong. 


Burke’s X account shared details. In one video, Burke explained that on payday, he received no salary and his bank account was raided. As he makes €750 weekly, and has to put aside a little at a time, the loss of his life savings — €40,000 — is indeed a significant blow. “I want to say this is all unprecedented,” Burke stated, citing legal authority backing up his statement. 

There are “murderers and thieves walking so freely on our streets, but all of the stops can be pulled out for me,” Burke said, explaining that a receiver has been appointed to take his salary. “I’m not a criminal,” Burke stated; he simply refused in 2022 to refer to a student as “they” when his principal demanded it. The Church of Ireland has apparently gone as woke as its counterpart, the Church of England. Simply for refusing to violate his conscience and submit to transgender ideology, Burke said he subsequently spent 500 days in jail. “I refused to be compelled into promoting an anti-Christian belief in the [Christian] school where I was employed,” the young teacher said.

And now there's the seizure of his money. It is worth noting that the European Union, of which Ireland is a member, is currently planning to expedite its digital euro, which would make it even easier for the government to seize an individual’s money, even potentially without any trial. In Communist China, the government can immediately shut off digital funds for dissidents. 

In a separate post announcing the seizure of his €40,000 bank account and his teaching salary, along with authorization to seize any other of Burke’s assets, Burke emphasized the rigged court system:

Senior Counsel Brian Kennedy SC for the Attorney General was granted as much time as he wished to make his submissions in Court on this unprecedented matter and was not questioned in any way by the bench. By contrast, when Enoch Burke rose to speak, he was cut off after only 5 minutes by Mr Justice David Nolan, who repeatedly interrupted him. The Judge then delivered his pre-prepared ruling immediately.

Enoch Burke sought to draw attention to the fact that the root cause of this case, the principal's direction to all staff to address a male student by a new name and the "they" pronoun, has never been assessed for its constitutionality or lawfulness by any Court, despite these proceedings being now ongoing for more than 2.5 years. When Enoch Burke read out Article 44 of the Irish Constitution, which binds the State to "respect and honour religion", he was immediately shut down by Judge David Nolan.

Your children belong to the state, not to you, and the state will raise them as it sees fit

Court Says School Can Secretly “Social-Transition” 12-Year-Old Student To Opposite Sex

Another federal court has ruled against a parent’s right to be notified when their child “socially transitions” to the opposite sex in school. Taking its cues from Foote v. Ludlow, a similar First Circuit case we covered here, the Northern District Court of New York held the school’s non-disclosure policy was necessary to promote a “safe” learning environment for all of its students.

New York mother Jennifer Vitsaxaki sued the Skaneateles Central School District last year, alleging school staff had treated her 12-year-old daughter “Jane” as a boy, referring to her with a new masculine name and new third-person pronouns—all without her parents’ knowledge or consent. We covered the mother’s lawsuit in detail here.


Shortly after meeting with her, according to the court filings, the all-too-willing school counselor told Jane’s teachers and staff they should call Jane by her new masculine name and use the ambiguous “they” and “them” third-person pronouns instead of “she” and “her.”

Jane’s parents, however, were not told about these actions. The school’s gender identity policy directed staff to deceive them by using Jane’s given name and pronouns when talking to her mother, while using her new masculine set at school. Even the school yearbook, the court noted, was to use Jane’s legal name rather than her preferred masculine one.

That’s because, under the school’s gender identity policy, the student calls the shots: The “district permits students to determine when, how, and if to notify their parents of their decision to elect a chosen name and/or pronouns at school.”

In her lawsuit, Vitsaxaki claimed that policy violated her constitutional rights, including both her religious and parental rights to direct her daughters’ upbringing, education, and healthcare—all of which were rejected by Judge David Hurd last week.

…. [T]he school wasn’t required to tell the mother it was applying its “civility code” to sex-transition her daugher, because the mother had no right to that information, the court concluded. “Simply put,” if she didn’t like it, “she remained free to exercise her parent rights at home” —“whether through direct conversations, private educational institutions, religious programming, homeschooling, or other influential tools,” the court held.


As a matter of fact—and on the bright side—that’s exactly what Mrs. Vitsaxaki she did. According to the court filings, she took Jane out of public school and put her in private school, where she has observed noticeable improvement in her daughter’s overall mental health—and where Jane no longer asks to called by a different name and pronouns.