Their strategy has always been to boost civilian deaths — that's why they locate their weapon stashes and rocket launcher sites in residential neighborhoods, hospitals, and schools

Hamas Could Have let those Hostages Just Drive Away, Saving 200+ Civilians

The rescue of four Israeli hostages on Saturday was going well, with few casualties. Until Hamas attacked and tried to kill the escaping hostages.

Hamas started the fight in a civilian area

It was Hamas who escalated to a fire fight in a civilian area. The hostages were already in a car or van being driven away, according to Washington Post reporting (paywall):

The soldiers were able to get the three hostages and the injured man into a vehicle, but it broke down under Hamas fire from rifles and rocket-propelled grenades, officials said. At one point, Avivi said, they were forced to abandon the vehicle and seek refuge in a building nearby.

The commanders called for air support.

“The air force started shooting to give them a corridor; […] Explosions rocked the narrow streets, which have only grown more crowded in recent weeks with families displaced by Israel’s offensive in southern Gaza.

It is important to note that Hamas could have just let the hostages and rescuers drive peacefully out of Gaza. As you would expect, Hamas instead tried to kill the hostages, and got 200+ innocent Gazans killed in the process.