One person wasn't scared off by the election results

Let's hope so One contract reported today, 36 Arch Street, in Riverside (overlooking Binney Park) asking $1.399. In full disclosure, this is owned by a friend of mine, and I'd be tempted to pull my punches if I thought a good punch was merited, but I don't. It's a nifty house with a nice view over the park and an easy walk to OG. The problem, as a family house, is that it's small and vertical: the master bedroom and bath, for instance, comprise the entire third floor, and it's carved out of the hill behind it, so frisbee tossing and baseball games will have to be conducted across the street in Binney.

But not every house has to accommodate a family of four, and this isn't intended to (although when it was built in 1900 it probably held at least that many people, and probably more - times change). It's a good buy at this price, in my opinion. Not that 2007 prices are especially relevant to those prevailing today, but the owner did pay $1,617,500 for it back then, so this buyer is getting it at a reasonable discount from the crazy days.

36 Arch Street