And who'd of thought it possible? The LA Times actually reports objectively on Trump supporters
/Liberals disappointed by Tuesday's results might wonder where these articles were back when the campaign was on, but they wouldn't have read them anyway; nor will they read them now, but the LA Times's effort might be a start towards some sort of rationality in the country. "We're called redneck, ignorant, racist; that's not true". Trump supporters explain why they voted for him
To his many critics, Trump is a racist, a bigot, a misogynist and a clown. The thought of him becoming the most powerful person on the planet is enough to produce stomach-churning anxiety, to bring sleepless nights and induce tears.
But more than six dozen conversations with Trump voters across the country — Democrats, Republicans, political independents — turned up a thoroughly different perspective.
They see an outsider unbeholden to a corrupt and rotten political system and brave enough to stake bold positions. They consider him fearless enough to defy the confines of political correctness. They view him as a vastly successful businessman, but possessing a common touch: a workingman’s billionaire.
Contrary to perceptions, it wasn’t all angry white men, terrified of the country’s changing hue, who swept Trump into office.
Kaatz, the Arizona hairdresser, for instance, is dating a black man she expects to marry next April and looks forward to raising their mixed-race children. Wright lives in a multicultural community in the Phoenix suburbs and welcomes the Muslim and black children who scamper through her front yard.
“I don’t look outside and think my neighbors are going to bomb me,” Wright said — though she welcomed the notion of a wall along the border with Mexico, a three-hour drive from her parents’ home in Tucson.
To hear them tell it, Trump supporters want a government that no longer works to make the rich even richer, offers handouts to the undeserving and caters to the whims of Washington’s army of lobbyists and special interests.
Perhaps more than anything, they want a president who pays attention to the half of the country bereft of hope: That, they said, would truly make America great again.
You can, if you wish, contrast real reporting with that of Greenwich Time and its sole political scribbler, Ken Borsuk. Here's his deep, profound analysis: