Spoke too soon

 7 Cobb Island Drive

 7 Cobb Island Drive

Desiree Drive was not the only contract reported today, just the only contingent one. It turns out that 7 Cobb Island moved directly from active to pending, and at $16.5 million, that's not something to be overlooked. 

It's on 10 acres, with direct waterfront on Cos Cob Harbor, and includes a separate building lot. Hmm. I believe this is the property that is lighted up like an airport every night, all night, providing a homing beacon for returning sailors and neighbors across the harbor alike. At least some of those people are probably hoping that the new owners will be less interested in subsidizing CL&P. 

UPDATE: I just heard from listing agent Chris Finlay (Chris has been putting together a pretty impressive string of listings the past few - or more - years, and I'm happy for him; nice, very capable guy) and he's corrected me: the monument to fossil fuel is located north of this property. He also describes this land as "beautiful. It feels like upper New England coast ... not Greenwich". I'm envious.