Not exactly fake news: he IS a role model, just not the one sexually-repressed fascist parents might want for their children
/To service and, perhaps, protect: Jessica Hawkins is ready to receive new interns
A transgender police officer in Washington, D.C., who has repeatedly been praised as a community role model has also quietly been reprimanded for improper sexually-tinged antics with underage police interns.
In a story published Thursday night, NBC4 News profiled Jessica Hawkins as a police officer who “helps build trust in [the] D.C. community” due to his work on an LGBT outreach unit. Hawkins, who previously went by Billy, is biologically male but identifies as a woman, and publicly transitioned two years ago.
NBC4’s story is just the latest positive one about Hawkins, who has also been profiled by NPR, Metro Weekly and other outlets.
But a new report by local D.C. station Fox 5 shows another, more disturbing side of Hawkins that hasn’t appeared in profiles. According to the report, Hawkins has repeatedly landed in hot water because of his conduct around interns for D.C.’s police department.
“Sgt. Hawkins showed the interns a ‘homemade video of her having sex with 4 men while she was intoxicated,'” Fox’s report says. Another complain filed against Hawkins accused him of taking under-21 interns to an Arlington gay bar, where she helped them buy alcohol and laughed at one intern’s possession of a fake ID.
According to Fox, Hawkins has admitted that both complaints against him are accurate, and was quite cavalier in the admission. Hawkins even volunteered that he had shown other interns an inappropriate picture on his phone.
In a statement, D.C. police told Fox that Hawkins’ case is still ongoing.
“That investigation has concluded and the findings are currently with the MPD’s disciplinary review division,” the statement said. “The DRD will review and determine an appropriate penalty. Throughout the investigation, Sergeant Hawkins remained in her current assignment and is still widely considered a valuable MPD team member in our special liaison division.”
"You might think he's an inappropriate role model,", police spokescis Butch Hardon told FWIW, "a pervert, even. To us, he's just a beautiful celebration of human sexuality unleashed, free from preconceived notions of what it means to be a human being. And if our interns respond to that, well hooray, and pass the KY".
A defiant D.C. Police spokesman, Ms. Elizabeth "Butch" Hardon - "you want some of this? Come on, come on, you repressed pussy"
UPDATE: Besides defining deviancy downward, the fake news outlets are also trying to change our definitions of common words and concepts. Take this example from NPR's coverage on Miss Jessica, and how they turn the natural curiosity of a woman Jessica meets on the street into "harassment":
"I had one lady, I was walking on 17th Street, and she asked me, 'Are you really a police officer?' Now, I was wearing makeup, and I had my little stud earrings in, and I said, 'Yes,' and she goes, 'Well, I've never seen a male officer wear makeup before,' " Hawkins says. "It definitely hurt my feelings to the point where I just walked away and found a little hole to cry in for a minute."
This kind of harassment has taken a toll on Hawkins' confidence, but it has taught her how to be a better cop.
Jessica might be a better cop, or at least better deal with her "hurt feelings" that make her "find a little hole to cry in" if she tried to understand that the sight of a 6'1" beefed-up cop wearing make up and earrings is going to raise questions among people on the street. "Sexual harassment", in the old days, might have included showing obscene videos to young interns; now that's fine, but wondering aloud at an elephant in heels and a cop hat is forbidden.
Bizzarro World