DUI, hair loss, weight gain, erectile disfunction: is there ANYTHING Trump can't do?
/The NY Post collects some of the more amusing reactions of hysterics upset with the election results. A brief sample:
“Trump’s election stole my desire to look for a partner,” wrote Stephanie Land of Missoula, Montana in The Washington Post. “There is no room for dating in this place of grief,” she added, having dumped her boyfriend even though he was equally terrified about Trump: “Dating means hope. I’ve lost that hope.”
And, it appears, that lovin’ feelin’. Anecdotal evidence suggests Trump has killed the reproductive urge among progressives, who are notoriously much less fertile than conservatives in the first place. Trump’s election could be an extinction-level event for Democrats.
“I Haven’t Had Sex in Weeks. I Blame Donald Trump,” read an October story in Cosmopolitan by a writer who added, “my vagina never stood a chance this election season.” And that was before Nov. 8!
Last week on ABC’s “The View,” Joy Behar asked, “Have you noticed that your wife is disgusted by the sight of you lately?” and cited a therapist who said women “have lost their sex drive since Trump won.” Behar added that “Trump bedroom backlash” may be “causing electile dysfunction.” That sad, soft sound being heard between the sheets all over America tonight is, “Honey, this never happened to me before . . . Trump was elected.”