It's always sad to see a human being abase himself so, but then David Brock is hardly a human
/Having slimed and failed, the slug moves on
Faced with political and professional death, David Brock pens a groveling apology to Bernie Sanders.
Dear Senator Sanders: I’m with You in the Fight Ahead
From the snow-filled days of door-knocking in New Hampshire, to November’s devastating result, the 2016 presidential election was hard-fought and heartbreaking. On the Democratic side, we had two leading candidates who each articulated a vision of an inclusive, prosperous, vibrant American democracy. On the other side, we had Donald Trump, the most corrupt and least qualified man ever to seek the presidency.
It’s no secret who I supported. I was one of the most visible and vocal advocates of Secretary Hillary Clinton. Many others backed you, Senator Sanders, with contagious zeal. At times during the Democratic primary, I was criticized for being too aggressive in my support for Secretary Clinton — and rightly so. Looking back, I recognize that there were a few moments when my drive to put Hillary in the White House led me to take too stiff a jab. I own up to that, I regret it, and I apologize to you and your supporters for it.
The now-irrelevant Hillary camp despises him, Sanders has called him "the scum of the earth" and no other politician will want him around until the next election draws near, wen they'll need him again. How will he stay in business until then? And who cares?