And speaking of quick bucks

24 Indian Field Road

24 Indian Field Road

24 indian Field Road has closed at $1,660,550. Its builder paid $601,000 for it in a bidding war (that began at $550,000) last April, gutted it, and put it back on the market almost immediately.

Back when I was lawyering and had a few home builders as clients, I used to caution them against buying million-dollar properties in the back country (this was in the mid-80s) because, I told them, they could make better money with less risk by staying in the lower end, where houses sold quickly and carrying costs were low. They weren't looking for business advice from a dumb lawyer, of course, and I was always sorry to see them proceed, because it meant I'd be losing them as a client and a bankruptcy lawyer would be picking them up.

Too bad this builder wasn't around back then.

It does have a detached garage, so it's got that going for it

It does have a detached garage, so it's got that going for it