Experts on global warming speak out
/UMASS scientists [sic] claim Northeast is warming up faster than the rest of the country, which means, I suppose, that "global warming" is "local warming". Or, as we used to call it, "weather".
New England winters are melting away.
According to an alarming new study out of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, the northeastern United States will see warmer temperatures significantly faster than the rest of the planet.
“I tell my students that they’re going to be able to tell their children, ‘I remember when it used to snow in Boston,’” Raymond Bradley, co-author of the study, and director of the Climate System Research Center at UMass, told The Boston Globe.
You'd think that, by now, global warming hysterics would have learned not to support their fear mongering by citing the end of "winter as we know it", but no, they keep going. Back in 2011, The Daily Caller collected the "top five" snowfall - doomsday claims that failed to materialize (including, according to the NYT, the end of Winter Game Olympics, boo hoo), but the grandfather of all the woe is us stories on the subject, and still champion, "Snowfalls are Now Just a Thing of the Past", was published in the Independent back in 2000. The embarrassment of being proved so spectacularly wrong over the years, as blizzards swept Britain and Harrod's restocked the sleds it had stopped ordering on climate experts' predictions, caused that paper to yank it off the web, but fortunately, warming skeptics have preserved it. Money quote from "climate expert" David Viner: "in just a few years, children won't know what snow is".
So that was then: Bloomberg reports now:
Bone chilling winter from Berlin to Davos send energy markets scrambling
Blizzards, gale force winds, arctic temperatures and river ice thicker than a house has left the stewards of the European energy business frenzied. Prices of natural gas, primarily a heating fuel, has soared to the highest in more than two years. Blackouts across Eastern Europe caused electricity rates to spike to record levels.
It’s chaotic, but yet familiar. While energy grid operators, producers and traders prepare for winter’s chill every year, they tend to rely on meteorological forecasts that sometimes turn out to be dead wrong. So when a winter that’s expected to be mild develops into an extended deep freeze, a mad dash to meet demand ensues.
When Andreas Speer, a commodities analyst at Bayerische Landesbank in Munich, last month looked at the long-range weather forecasts for January, he saw mild weather.
“That’s not what I see when I look out the window,” he said on Friday, referring to winds of 110 kilometers an hour (68 miles per hour) and freezing temperatures. “Models are a waste of time and money beyond three weeks. The cold snap caught people by surprise.”