My guess is that this resells for a loss
/37 Londonderry Road
After almost 2 years on the market looking for a buyer, 37 Londonderry Road, $4.495 million, has a pending contract. That long wait should be a warning that this location, within direct earshot of the Merritt Parkway, is not for everyone, and finding another buyer a few year hence will be problematic.
Nothing against the house itself: it's quite nice; but location rules, and four-and-a-half million is a lot to pay for a depreciating asset in an objectionable location.
Take note, please, that the title of this blog is "For What it's Worth", and the opinions expressed herein are just that: opinions. I wish the new owners great happiness and great success, and would be delighted to be proved wrong. If we're still writing when this house is sold again, we'll revisit this opinion.
Location, location location