He got married and discovered true happiness, but by then, of course, it was too late

And another thing!

And another thing!

British man fled home and lived in the woods for a decade to escape his nagging wife

Malcolm Applegate, 62, of Birmingham, opened up about his new life — and his old one — in a blog entry posted on the Emmaus Greenwich website. Emmaus is a “homeless charity” that gives people a home “for as long as someone needs it and meaningful work in our social enterprise,” according to its website.
Applegate wrote he was a gardener for 25 years and enjoyed his job until he got married. He wrote the more hours he worked, the “angrier” his spouse became.
“She didn’t like me being out of the house for long periods of time. The controlling behavior started to get out of hand and she demanded that I cut my hours,” Applegate wrote.
After he tried to work it out with his wife, Applegate wrote he left without saying anything to anyone. For a decade.