Worth watching all 12 minutes: John Kelly on Gold Star families and congresswomen who exploit them for political gain

General Kelly, who lost one son in Afghanistan and has another still in combat, describes what happens when a soldier is killed and his family must be notified. It's awesome, and heartbreaking. And, for those who, like that Congresswoman, scurrilously claim that General Kelly "will say anything to keep his job" (reflect, for just a moment, how horrible a statement that is), note the General's oblique reference to the attack on "a Gold Star family" at our national conventions last summer - that would be his boss. But he says it was he who passed on to Trump what had touched Kelly himself when notified of his own son's death: "He knew exactly what he was facing, and still he volunteered: he was doing exactly what he wanted to do, surrounded by the best: the 1%, when he died" (paraphrasing). 

Good tape. Kelly begins 1:02 minutes in.

UPDATE: From the New Yorker's perspective, Kelly's comments illustrate "the language of a military coup". God how I hate that magazine, and I've learned to despise its readers. I used to read it at my parents' home growing up, and bought my own subscription to it during my first year of college, before I grew tired of its blather. In those years, people like E.B. White graced its pages. Now it's a scurrilous, snob publication edited and sold to a small band of delusional "intellectuals" who despise the country they abide in. Screw 'em

New Yorker readers are too stupid to recognize when they're being ridiculed, and consider this poster to be an essential wall accessory for their multi-million-dollar co-ops. So much for higher education 

New Yorker readers are too stupid to recognize when they're being ridiculed, and consider this poster to be an essential wall accessory for their multi-million-dollar co-ops. So much for higher education