And another entry in the spec house sweepstakes

592 North Street

592 North Street

592 North Street, the spec house built on property foreclosed on a couple of years ago (for $1.6ish, if memory serves) is new on the market today, priced at $6.350 million. It's a decent enough house, I suppose, although the objection I, and a potential buyer had when we viewed the property during foreclosure back then remains: it's below grade, so you're watching the wheels of the traffic as it rushes by on North Street. That's probably no worse than viewing car doors, but it felt oppressive, somehow.

The real problem facing this builder is that his is now the 13th new (2014 and later) project in our $5.5 - $7 million inventory, and only five in that range sold during the past year. With still more houses in the pipeline, this is probably not the time to be investing in marginal land.

(Update) - those aren't really pine floors, are they? But if not, and no sane person lays softwood as flooring, what's with the knots? Maybe it's a new look, but it's not one I like.