Don't hold your breath
/45 Doubling Road is "back", and asking $1.699 million. The seller paid $1.675 for the place in 2002 and at various times he's had it listed for as high as $3 million, so I get inquiries from time to time when the property resurfaces: is this a bargain? My advice is always the same: not if you can't buy it. 45 Doubling has been mired in foreclosure proceedings since March, 2013, while the owner, Sidney Berger and his lawyer have dragged it in and out of default and bankruptcy, and engaged in various other dilatory maneuvers. Nothing wrong with that, or at least, the law allows it, and certainly no law requires a debtor to roll over and quit, but I wouldn't waste my time as a buyer pursuing this. Eventually, Citibank will reclaim title and there will be something to sell.
Check back next year.