Whaddya think, another million?

53 Hillside Road

53 Hillside Road

53 Hillside Road (yeah, that's the Hillside with the high school as a neighbor - the Hillside next to Greenwich Academy is Hillside Drive, don't you know - much classier) has cut its price to $4.750 million; it was looking for $6.495 back when it was built in 2006, but couldn't get it. It sat empty for four years and has been rented out at $16,000 per for the past six. I don't think the house, the location or the market has improved with time, so I'm predicting either a return to the rental market or still more price cuts for this one.

Mind you, there's nothing all that bad about being the landlord of a luxury property, so reserve your tears.

I have no idea what the ARCHITECT was thinking about here: a pot-soaking sink and a telephone booth? Too bad cell phones have eliminated pay phones, 'cause there goes that revenue 

I have no idea what the ARCHITECT was thinking about here: a pot-soaking sink and a telephone booth? Too bad cell phones have eliminated pay phones, 'cause there goes that revenue 

Have small children? 

Have small children?