Rearranging deck chairs on Round Hill

Gee, maybe the market for $16 million homes is different from, and better than that for $18 million ones

Gee, maybe the market for $16 million homes is different from, and better than that for $18 million ones

The builders of 11 Round Hill Club Road, on the market since 2015 and originally priced at $17.950 and later dropped to $16.950, have parted ways with the architect's brother as their agent and hired someone else, and lowered its price to $15.950. Both agents are highly competent, so my suggestion to the builders is that they look at their price, not the agents' efforts on their behalf. As it is, they remind me of Hillary's search for someone to blame for her losing the election.

Of course, that's not to completely rule out a Russian conspiracy here, I just think it unlikely.