Sarah goes fishing
Sarah came into Maine for a flying visit before attending her best friend's wedding down in Greenwich, and mentioned to me that she'd never gone fishing. What? Her sister Kate was introduced to fishing at our home on Ole's Creek when she was, maybe, 7, catching snappers there and going on to fly fishing for salmon out in Oregon today, but somehow I had failed as a father with Sarah.
So I took her down to Scarborough, where we spent a first unproductive hour fishing for stripers. Sarah insisted she was having a great time, enjoying the sunset and the opportunity to enjoy the contemplative space that fishing affords, but then the tide picked up and the stripers came in. All schoolies, alas, but 12"-18" fish on light tackle still provide excitement, and with a fish strike on almost every cast, we had a blast: Sarah because she was catching ( a lot of) fish, I because it was so much fun watching her enjoying herself. Next up for the new pescadorian warrior: a salmon expedition out in Oregon with her sister Kate.
Sarah's First Fish, Ever
And her 15th (aprox - we lost count). With Caleb Hill, friend and guide