Well, at least it was NY taxpayers who paid for this "study"*

Clearly, what's called for here is a massive injection of long island traffic

Clearly, what's called for here is a massive injection of long island traffic

New York paid some Canadian consultants $5 million to devise a way to get traffic off Long Island, and their solution? A $55 billion tunnel to Connecticut. That's billion with a "B" — talk about DOA. These geniuses also had an alternative "solution": three new bridges to Connecticut, which would deposit Long Island traffic on I-95, so that drivers could sit in traffic here, rather than there.

We won't be seeing a $55 billion tunnel built, of course, but I would have told Governor Cuomo that for just, say, fifty-cents, rather than $5 million. 

* Upon reflection, it occurs to me that the consultants' fee was probably foisted onto the federal government, so we did pay for it, after all.