The Kavanaugh Effect, continued

The Democrats’ attempt at crucifying Brett Kavanaugh was so low, so despicable, that even milquetoasts like Grassley, Collins and, most notably, Mitch McConnell grew backbones and lashed back.

Now, riding on that momentum, McConnell has forced the Democrats to agree to the confirmation of 15 new federal judges, a deal brokered in exchange for ending this session and allowing endangered Democrats to return home to campaign (and endangered Republicans too, but McConnell apparently didn’t mention that).

The point is, these are lifetime appointments, and these judges will be on the bench long enough to make a significant difference. Like a number of conservatives I know, I held my nose and voted for Trump precisely because I hoped he’d do something about our federal courts, and he’s come through magnificently. NAFTA reform and our new foreign policy successes are just icing on the cake.

But Trump’s refusal to back down on Kavanaugh, combined with the awful tactics employed against the judge, seems to have inspired the previously complacent Republicans to stand up and fight. Hooray.