Greenwich finally catches up with the federal government — or is it the other way around?
/Way back in the enlightened 90s, HUD urged realtors to stop describing the principle bedroom in house as a “master” because it implied sexism, or racism, or whatever. Some folks thought that was about as silly as demanding that ads change descriptions from “ a short walk” to town, to “a few blocks from” — not everyone can walk, see, and implying that they can is disabilist.
Or whatever. Anyway, new construction at One Martindale, a good street, probably a nice house, listed today at $4.950 million, lists a “principle bedroom”, with nary a master to be found.
Too bad the architect slipped and labelled the lower, windowless nanny room in the basement “slave quarters”, but progress is made one step, or one turn of the wheelchair at a time.