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106 porchuck.jpg

106 Porchuck Road sold for $1.650 million in 2001, $2.0 in 2013, renovated in 2014 and put back on the market for $2.950 in September, 2016. It closed yesterday at $1.675.

Contemporaries have always been a slow sale in Greenwich, and prices in the Porchuck Road neighborhood have been in decline since the 2008 crash.

I DO NOT — DO NOT (!)  — UNDERSTAND THIS SETUP. Who among us doesn't enjoy a bit of exhibitionism now and then, but every day? I say let the teenagers next door get their sex education the traditional way: online.

I DO NOT — DO NOT (!)  — UNDERSTAND THIS SETUP. Who among us doesn't enjoy a bit of exhibitionism now and then, but every day? I say let the teenagers next door get their sex education the traditional way: online.

and the flying saucer attached to this faucet is for ...?

and the flying saucer attached to this faucet is for ...?