Bringing back the good ol' days

Separate but equal

Separate but equal

Scripps College endorses a "blacks only" pool party.

We're back to women's only dorms, black dorms, and segregated classrooms. All that's left to return us to the happy days of the past is to bring back white-men's-only clubs and fraternities.

Not all that long ago, America decided that this was wrong.

Not all that long ago, America decided that this was wrong.

Sixty-five years ago, in 1953, Tom Lehrer released this song as satire. In 1980, he said he'd long since given up attempting to satirize anything, and he was right to do so. He's about 90 now and so far, hasn't been lured out of retirement — maybe Scripps can invite him to its campus so that he can be shouted down and silenced by the Social Justice Warriors.