Well at least this former Folsom Housemaster's only moving up the street. I drove one of his predecessors to Idaho
/News of GHS Headmaster Chris Winters resignation from that post and his acceptance of a job as head of Country Day should come as sad news for GHS parents, and welcome news to the CD community: he's been a good man, doing a very difficult job.
I hadn't known until reading the linked-to article that Winters once served as Housemaster for Folsom House, which made me laugh. The Folsom Housemaster in my time at the school (Class of '71) was a great guy named Jim Mertz, who I drove to distraction by being fairly bright while resolutely refusing to be a good student. "Rebellious" might best describe my attitude.
Just before my graduation, a miracle brought about by Mertz's intervention, rule-bending, and ear-pulling (mine), he called me into his office and told me, "Fountain, you've accomplished what I never thought anyone could do: I'm quitting education and moving to Idaho to grow cherries on my father-in-law's ranch".
And so he did. I always thought I'd done him a huge favor, and as you can see from the below, he prospered, retired, and his children are now running the operation. Maybe he should send me a box of cherries.