A (relative) bargain in Deer Park
/9 Woodside Road, asked $6.475 million and has sold for $6.6 million.Ordinarily, I don’t think “winners” of bidding was win anything, but in this case, I think we’ve found the exception to that rule.
A gracious, classic Deer Park home, it sold for $8.7 million in 2006, was renovated and resold for $10.950 in 2008, then sold for just $7.730 in 2011, a price decline that — guessing here — could be attributed to the post 2008 crash. It started in the $10s, then sold direct to this seller later that year.
In the present case, the sale is a post-divorce situation (that’s not inside dirt, just public records), and often money is less important than a clean break. From the pictures, both parties have vacated the premises.
I think the new owners did well.