Time for the Republicans to finally stand up
/It appears that Christine Ford may be developing cold feet about testifying Thursday, but is that sufficient? So far, the Republicans have caved to every demand of the Democrats, extending deadlines, allowing additional witnesses, and so forth. If that’s because the leadership can no longer count on 50 Republican votes, it’s understandable, sort of, but a better policy is for their leadership to go to work on those waverers and demand a united front.
Republican senators may fear losing the election if they stand up against the outrageous besmirching of Judge Kavanaugh, but in fact, that fear is misplaced. Republicans lost the suburban white woman vote the instant Trump was elected, and nothing has changed since then; nor will it. Republicans need another angle, and that’s to bring out their base. A poll reported yesterday claims that, if they come out to vote, Republicans will sweep the 2018 — if they don’t, the crazed left will swamp them. So how do you convince Republicans not to stay home? By standing on principle. If Republicans see their party’s leadership melt in the face of the Democrat media, there’s a real danger that some will see that there’s no difference between the parties and will refuse to vote for any of these lickspittle cowards.
I intend to hold my nose and vote a pure Republican slate, in the hope that we can keep the Democrats out of power, but I can easily understand why many voters will figure that the Republicans have already ceded that power to the socialist thugs, shrug their shoulders, and stay home to mow their lawn. Forcing through a decent judge’s appointment to the Supreme Court would be proof that there’s still life in the GOP, and maybe remind voters how much is at stake in November.