I suppose politically, it was the right thing to do, but Trump may have jumped the gun here
/Decries “attack” on Jussie Smollett. Okay, I’d never heard of the guy either, but he’s a gay black comedian who claims to have been viciously attacked by two white men who broke his ribs, broke his nose, hung a noose around his neck and doused him with bleach, all while screaming homophobic slurs and shouting, “this is MAGA country!”.
There was much to raise doubts about this story in the first place, including the fact that Smollett’s attackers were supposedly lying in wait for him, despite his arriving in Chicago five hours later than scheduled due to a flight cancellation — that takes patience — but new details keep arising that makes it look more and more like a fake hate crime, including: he waited 40 minutes before calling the police and when they did arrive, he was still wearing the noose, he refused to let the police see his cellphone, demanded that they turn off their body cams, refused transportation to the hospital and drove himself, there’s no evidence of broken ribs and the police, despite scouring hours of surveillance tapes, can find no evidence of any attack. Certain Chicago policemen are calling “bullshit”, and you can read that here.
Was Jussie up to something else, and decided to blame whatever befell him on white racists? My guess is yes, but events will tell. I suspect it will turn out that Trump had no reason to condemn a non-event, but again, politically, he had nothing to lose.