Irony alert: Virginia state delegate who defended her bill to permit abortions up to the moment of delivery introduced a bill to protect canker worms and gypsy moths the same day
/Don’t wanna hurt no caterpillars. fr sure.
Democratic Virginia Del. Kathy Tran introduced “House Bill No. 2495 – Fall cankerworm; spraying prohibited during certain months” on Jan. 9, the same day as “House Bill No. 2491 — Abortion; eliminate certain requirements.”
Tran came under fire Tuesday for her support of legislation that would allow an abortion to be performed just moments before the birth of a child. (RELATED: VA Considering Bill Legalizing Abortion Until 40 Weeks In Pregnancy)
It’s possible to be somewhat ambivalent towards legal early abortion yet still shriek in horror at the idea of ripping up and discarding 9-month-old fetuses from their mothers’ wombs. At least, that seems to be the position of the majority of Americans polled.
But just last week the Democrats in NY state rose to their feet in thunderous applause and even lighted up the WTC in pink lights to celebrate the passage of a law only slightly less restrictive than this Virginia bill. We’re becoming a savage nation.
(UPDATE: the proposed bill was tabled by the committee hearing it, by a vote of 5-3, with all three Democrats voting in favor of it.)