New Hillcrest Park listing


16 Norton Lane, $2.950 million. Built in 2015. Full disclosure; the Mickster and I represent the owner. The price was set based on recent comparable sales, but we’ll see. It only came on a few hours ago and we already have two appointments to see it, so that’s encouraging; it’s evidence that at least there are active buyers in this price range, and they’re out there looking now. If you’re considering selling this spring, consider the spring market started.

I thought it’d be fun to hold a FWIW meet-up here during its public open house, which is tentatively scheduled for Sunday. The five-day forecast is for a snowstorm, in which case we’ll postpone, but long-term forecasts aren’t particularly reliable, so watch this space.

V IDEO (No, I had no say in the soundtrack — feel free to hit mute; I know I did)