Force of arms

To the cornfield with you!

To the cornfield with you!

Global warmist says that you will make deep, personal sacrifices to save the world for Greta

(This article appears behind Greenwich Time’s paywall today, but a sister publication offers it for exactly what it’s worth.) Excerpts:

[T] he uphill battle against climate change isn’t just about policy and technology. Unless we change our routines — personally, in ways that mean deep sacrifice — then the Armageddon these passionate youths are talking about is a sure thing, sooner rather than later.

That means pain, folks….

The reason lifestyle change isn’t part of the discussion is simple: No one wants to hear it. It’s easy to point a finger at the White House, at the state Capitol, at corporations, at town hall. It’s hard to restructure our lives in a way that actually moves the dial toward preventing the threshold level of 2 degrees centigrade for global temperature rise.

But don’t tell the pie-eyed fools that — not just yet.’

Sena Wazer is just 15 but the Mansfield teen, an organizer and speaker at the Sept. 20 climate change rally in Hartford, understands the need to keep an audience happy.

“The goal of an event like a strike or a rally is really to get people motivated or inspired,” Wazer told me when I asked why so little is said about lifestyle changes. “And then the goal from there is really to harness that power, that people power.. and then from there, go into the legislature of from there go to an event.”

Credit Wazer, who’s already a UConn student, for knowing not to berate her listeners. “People are not going to take it onto themselves,” she said of profound lifestyle changes.

So we’ll just have to force them.

Enlightenment isn’t enough. Technology isn’t enough. Policy change isn’t enough. Selective action isn’t enough.

True sacrifice is what’s needed. As long as we live in a world where we don’t impose our values on others, the climate change problem lives someplace else. When it finally swims up and bites us in the ass, no technology or policy fix will stop the bleeding.

There’s lots more nonsense in the article, including “Teslas that can run a million miles on just 60% of their charge”, and accosting neighbors of the writer who use too many yard machines (can you imagine having this guy as your neighbor? I’d turn the garden hose on him if he even placed a toe on my driveway], but what I take away from the piece is that he gives the game away: he, and little Greta, think that they’ll soon be in charge, dictating the lives of the rest of us. No doubt permission will have to be obtained to take a vacation beyond the limits of one’s town, the size and quality of housing dictated by our betters, etc. China and Google will gladly lend us their social credit scoring system, so we can be rewarded and punished and granted favors as our behavior warrants.

This useful idiot and his passionate peers are as deluded about who will rule their brave new world as they are about million-mile Teslas; it won’t be them. Ask the Deep State; there’s a place for Greta, but it’s on the curb, after she’s been thoroughly used to their advantage.