Can't we put her back in solitary?


Martha Stewart wrings her checkens’ necks because global warming or something

"My daughter eats no meat whatsoever. Her children eat no meat so we're going away for Thanksgiving this year because there's no turkey. We're going to Costa Rica," Stewart said during the Metropolitan Cooking and Entertaining Show on Saturday.

"I have eaten, as a result, much, much less meat than I ever have before and I don't miss it one bit. I also very much like to experiment with the new Beyond Beef and the Impossible Burger. They're good. They're tasty and they serve a very serious purpose and if we can get rid of a lot of the factory farming that we're doing -- I haven't had a piece of chicken in a long time unless it's my own chicken," she added.

Stewart explained why she does not rely on factory farming.

"I do raise chickens and when they stop laying eggs they become the soup or they become the stock," Stewart said. "I don't mind that because I know what they've eaten and I know I'm not polluting the universe so it's important to think about it and I think the larger the population becomes in the world, the less we have to rely on factory farming."

"We really better start paying attention. It's tragic what's going on. California is a total tragedy. Australia now is burning up. I was in Tasmania last Christmas. The day we left the fire started and they burned for almost a month burning so much of that beautiful territory so it's really important that we really start taking it seriously. I don't want to preach but I care about it a lot," she added.

“I think the larger the population becomes in the world, the less we have to rely on factory farming." ? What does that even mean?

But we’re sure that she won’t be flying to Costa Rica next week, just as she eschewed jet fuel to visit Tasmania, so perhaps she’s borrowing Little Greta’s carbon fibre sailboat to cruise the Caribbean? Whatever her means of transport, here’s hoping she stays there.

Related, and a foreshadowing of what they have planned for the rest of us: Vegan parents accused of starving their 18-month-old son to death on raw food diet

The mom told officers that the family was vegan and her four kids were on a raw food diet that consisted of mangoes, rambutans, bananas and avocados.