Quick Sale in the <$2 range

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6 Stanwich Lane, 19 days on market asking $1.895 million, has a contract. This sale reassures me, because the house should have sold quickly, at this price. Stanwich Lane is that very nice, quiet loop at the bottom of Stanwich Road, so close to town, with quality homes as neighbors. And, while the charms of this 1929 house were somewhat hidden when it was last on the market in 2013, you could see what it had been and could be once again. These owners brought it back, priced it well, and it sold; no surprise here, and that’s good news for other Greenwich homeowners thinking of selling their homes: there aren’t very many well-priced, under $2 homes for sale right now, and there are buyers actively seeking them. Make yours one of them, is my advice.

And a very nice yard, too, just as a bonus.