You will accept your new political masters, or else

Young, reeducated Jacob(NBC)

Young, reeducated Jacob


Sprite goes transgender


In an inexplicable move, Sprite has released a new commercial that has nothing to do with soda and everything to do with force-feeding the public transgender theology dressed up as love and acceptance. What this has to do with quenching thirst, I have no idea.

Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire makes an interesting point. “Someone please explain the ethical difference between an ad that promotes breast binding and an ad that promotes anorexia. I bet you can’t.” First, both conditions are mental disorders. Body dysmorphia is nearly indistinguishable from gender dysphoria. Both people look into a mirror and see something that is not there, but only one will be treated properly for it. The other will be sent off to butchers who will remove healthy body parts to indulge the patient’s delusion. Worse, minor children suffering from gender dysphoria are given sterilizing drugs that are not fully understood nor studied.

Meanwhile, Ricochet’s Brian Watt writes:

Coca-Cola, which owns Sprite, has launched a campaign of commercials that celebrate transgenderism for teens and depicts mothers lovingly helping their offspring to present themselves to the world as a false depiction of their actual sexuality and biological gender. I’m curious what the reason is that Coca-Cola executives felt they needed to push this message.

In 2019, Coca-Cola is using the left’s current zeitgeist, their obsession with transgenderism, in part to reposition Sprite away from its image as a strictly flyover country beverage, but primarily to illustrate to the leftists on Madison Avenue and in the Coke boardroom how woke the company is. As Glenn has written, “The problem is, too much of the political class — and of the business class for that matter — places virtue-signalling for peer approval above actually doing its job. And people have noticed.”

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Related: 19-year-old now regrets his “Frankenstein hack job” that removed his genitals. Maybe Coca-Cola can use him in its next Super Bowl commercial