Big houses in the back country, Stamford Mall; dodos linked in the Darwinian chain

Maybe a skateboard park?

Maybe a skateboard park?

Stamord Mall is on the chopping block, Lord & Taylor and the new Norwalk mall are next on the hit parade.

Greenwich Free Press has the story, and the money quote:

“With the way the market has changed, malls are dead. So let’s find other uses for it.” – Deputy Director of Planning David Woods, PhD, AICP

And this:

“How is it that Norwalk is just opening a mall with similar characteristics?” asked Planning Board member Michael Bucchino.

“They’re not doing it with all that success,” Woods said. “They’re worried, given the changes and that they’ve bet the farm on…But there’s a newness factor. It’s brand new, but it’s looking distressed, quite frankly.”