Well this should be fun: Blackface, KKK, but also an advocate of a woman’s right to commit infanticide —what’s a liberal press to do?

start the popcorn popper

start the popcorn popper

Reader Barometer Soup has alerted me to the latest scandal, breaking today a mere 35-years after it happened: Virginia’s Democrat Governor posed in blackface or a KKK outfit (unclear who’s who) back in medical school in 1984. Will he survive? I’m guessing that he will, because the left learned a lesson after forcing breast-fondling Al Frankin out of the Senate and discovering that it missed his seniority, but at least this may slow down the drive to haul Justice Kavanaugh before one of their committees to defend himself against charges of perjury.

(My guess is that he’ll defend himself by pointing out that the KKK hates Jews as well as colored people, and he was just focused on the Kike part — that will bring him back into the bosom of the new Democratic party)

In defense of the quote he uses on his page, it’s from a classic Wille Nelson song, “I gotta get drunk”. No harm in a country boy referencing that. Hell, even Kavanaugh would agree.

UPDATE: My fault for not following this election more closely, but it turns out that our blackfaced Governor Northam campaigned against his Republican opponent by calling him a racist for opposing sanctuary cities. My, my.

northam hate.png