Damn, there goes his Harvard admission!
/I couldda been a contenda!
Fisherman caught cheating at bass tournament
A fisherman in Texas has been indicted by a grand jury in Wood County after allegedly trimming a bass’ tail to meet weigh-in requirements in September’s McDonald Big Bass Splash at Lake Fork, according to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Terry Keith Long, of Bridgeport, allegedly altered the animal to meet fishing regulations at the lake east of Dallas, which allows fishermen to keep only largemouth bass 16 inches and smaller or those 24 inches or longer, according to the department’s website.
Long was later charged with fraud at a freshwater fishing tournament, which is a third-degree felony in Texas, according to the department. He was then arrested on Friday before being released from custody after posting $25,000 bond, jail records show.
It’s a real shame about Terry”, Marlyn McGrath, Harvard College’s director of admissions told FWIW. “We’ve been trying to demonstrate that, while we keep the gooks’ numbers low, we’re open to admitting qualified rednecks — within reason of course. If only he’d approached our fishing team administrator before resorting to self-help”.