Is there any number at which the media branch of the Democrat Party will admit we have a "crisis"? Probably not.


103,000 illegal aliens apprehended at border in March. And that number only includes those tally caught; surely thousands more slipped across the border undetected.

As the Trump administration has leveled more threats to close the southern border to immigrants, the number of illegal immigrants stopped at the border hit 103,492, the highest in five years, according to just-released U.S. Customs and Border Protection numbers.

The agency seized around 92,607 immigrants at the southern border last month, including 53,000 family units and 8,900 unaccompanied immigrant children.

If this continues, we’ll be embracing and feeding, and providing free medical care and education for 1,200,00,000 new friends into our country over next year. We’re q big country, but these numbers are large enough to drive down wages, compete with our own low-income population and swamp many towns. For comparison of numbers, Pittsburgh has a population of 308,000. Can we afford 4 new Pittsburghs in the next year? he Democrats say yes, others differ.