Like him or loath him, you have to admit that Trump is a master at trolling Democrats and forcing them to reveal their hypocrisy

LA, San Francisco, San Jose …. so many possibilities!

LA, San Francisco, San Jose …. so many possibilities!

You want ‘em, you got ’em. Trump suggests busing illegals captured at the border to Los Angeles and other “sanctury” cities.

No, it’s not going to happen, regrettably, but the Left rose to the bait immediately, just as Trump knew it would. Illegal aliens commit fewer crimes than legal residents, aren’t a drain on the economy, schools and medical service costs, and only add to our “wonderful mosaic”? Then fine; you should welcome these people with open arms!

“Unexpectedly”, citizens of those sanctuary cities are declining Trump’s offer of generosity on their behalf.

Like stealing candy from a baby.