Color me skeptical

55 perkins.jpg

55 Perkins Road is new today and listed at $12.8 million. The owners bought it new in January, 2008 just before our real estate bubble burst, paying $8.561, and seem to have pretty much left it as is, except for adding $4 million to its price tag.

Perkins has never struck me as one of Greenwich’s “coveted” (realtorese) streets; in fact, this homes’ $8.6 sale remains the historical record. Next down is no. 83, $6.7 million, also a pre-bubble-burst, then $5, then …. nada.

That doesn’t mean this one won’t fetch its asking price, of course, and who am I to question David Ogilvy’s pricing acumen, but the $12 + market is incredibly thin: plenty of inventory, few buyers. If I were one of those buyers, I’d probably be more comfortable looking for a house on more established high-end street, rather than being a pioneer.

But that’s just me.

Not quite the look younger buyers are looking for, I don’t think

Not quite the look younger buyers are looking for, I don’t think

Grandmother suite?

Grandmother suite?