Beechcroft price cut

Drive it off the dealer’s lot and watch those dollars fly off

Drive it off the dealer’s lot and watch those dollars fly off

35 Beechcroft Road, which was purchased new in 2006 for $4.995 million and placed back up for this sale this past January at $5.385 is now down to $4.250 million. Nothing wrong with the house, and certainly nothing wrong with Beechcroft, so I’d attribute this to normal depreciation; high-end Greenwich houses are beginning to resemble luxury cars.

UPDATE: I just posted this addendum to the note on the Doubling Road foreclosure, now priced at $4.295, but it occurs to me that it’s also applicable here:

“Out of curiosity, I ran a search for houses built in 2000 and later, in the Central/North Street school district, priced between $3.5 million and $5 million. There are 18 active listings in that range, most of which are roughly comparable to this one. Expanding those price parameters, there are 10 more in the $5-$5.9 tranche. While most of those $5+ homes offer more than this one, I might be worried if I were the owner of one of them, because there’s not that much difference in the houses, but there’s a large difference between, say, $5.9 and $4.1 ish.”