Our tech masters are gearing up to shut down opposition before the 2020 election


Following in the footsteps of Facebook and Twitter, and YouTube, Pinterest is now shutting down conservative voices. The latest to fall is PJMedia. PJMedia would in a normal world be considered a slightly conservative site; no conspiracy theories, no white power screeds merely a refusal to follow the dictates of New York Times editorial writers.

The crazies are determined to never let a Trump happen again, and they’ve been waging an all-out war against him since the election, using traditional mainstream media. But we rubes are still being corrupted by insidious messages communicated via social media, and so the battle has shifted there (as well as refinements in the censorship power of traditional news outlets; I’ve noticed an increasing tendency for online branches of newspapers to block comments on “sensitive” subjects, like the massive swarm of African refugees who have invaded Portland, Maine, for instance, and gun control, just as two examples). Here’s most of the PJMedia report:

This week we learned from a brave whistleblower that Pinterest, a site known primarily for recipes and home decorating ideas, is blocking content from websites that their Orwellian-monikered Trust and Safety team in San Francisco find offensive—by dishonestly labeling them as po*n sites. PJ Media is one of several conservative sites being blocked by the platform.

What was revealed at Pinterest this week, however, is just the tip of the censorship iceberg—and things will likely only get worse as our nation becomes increasingly polarized and the Big Brothers of Big Tech become more emboldened and less secretive about their hostility toward conservatives.

First, let's review what we learned this week. Project Veritas highlighted the blacklisting issues involved, which include:

 Insider: Search Term “Christian” Won’t Auto-Complete, Others Can’t Trend, No Notifications, or Recommendations

 Pinterest Blacklisted Pro-Life Group LiveAction.org, Classified as “Pornography,” Cannot Link to Site

 Leaked “Sensitive Terms List” Includes “bible verses” and “christian easter”

 Ben Shapiro Commentary Censored in “zero tolerance moment,” Slack Messages Reveal

 Planned Parenthood Undercover Videos Marked as “harmful” Conspiracy

I navigated over to Pinterest—which went public in April of this year, raising $1.5 billion in its initial offering—to find out if PJM has been blacklisted and indeed it appears it has. I tried to "pin" several of our articles there, including Stephen Green's completely innocuous and apolitical review of Apple's new monitor stand and sure enough, Pinterest blocked it due to "inappropriate content."

apple review.png

PJM's Debra Heine tried to post a link to a PJM article about a Trump rally and got the same message: 

pinterest block.png

Worse, when I tried to add an image to the pin and clicked "save from site," which ordinarily brings up images from the website you're linking to, I got this message:

Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at 5.10.29 PM.png

Of course, we don't allow nudity on PJM—in fact, it is our editorial policy to blur it out when it appears in an image that is necessary to explain a story. We are not a po*rn site either, although we do write about it from time to time, most often in the context of pointing out its deleterious effects on the culture and on the relationships between men and women. That doesn't stop the Big Brothers of Big Tech from categorizing us that way in order to shut us up.

PJM reached out to Pinterest for an explanation but received no reply.

If you think Pinterest is alone in this dishonest blacklisting of conservative sites, I've got some swamp land to sell you. As we've seen in report after report after report after report, the social media platforms—owned and run almost exclusively by far-left ideologues who think "conservative" is a synonym for Hitler—are quietly working behind the scenes to silence opinions they find detestable, and like Pinterest, they're using sneaky little coded labels to keep conservatives off their platforms. On the front lines of the war to control the marketplace of ideas are the issues of abortion and LGBTQ rights. The cultural and sexual revolutionaries will brook no dissent on these two issues, believing that those on the conservative side deserve not only censure but exclusion from the marketplace. 

I see that Greenwich Library has selected “Fahrenheit 451” as the community book read starting this fall. That could lead to some interesting, if heated, discussions on censorship.