Whom the Gods would destroy they first make never-Trumpsters

Bill Weld calls for Trump’s execution

Former Massachusetts governor and 2020 Republican challenger Bill Weld said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Monday that the only penalty for what he says President Trump is guilty of is death. And the MSNBC hosts were fine with that.

In a single segment, Weld visited the topic of the death penalty for Trump, and those two instances are joined in the clip above. First he brought it up himself without being prompted. The precipitating issue is the phone call to the President of Ukraine about investigating Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.

“Talk about pressuring a foreign country to interfere with and control a U.S. election, it couldn’t be clearer. And that’s not just undermining democratic institutions, that is treason. It’s treason, pure and simple. And the penalty for treason under the U.S. code is death. That’s the only penalty,” said Weld.

As usual, the Pefesser, Glenn Reynolds, is on the job:

Not only is Weld batshit crazy, he’s also clueless on the law. Nothing he accuses Trump of amounts to treason, and the statute doesn’t have death as the only penalty. Weld was counsel to the House Judiciary Committee, and was head of the Criminal Division at Justice as well as a US Attorney. Either he needs to be checked for dementia, or those institutions are in even sorrier shape than I thought.