Greenwich Democrats to Turner: Drop dead

The Greenwich Democratic [sic] Party has thrown its former chairman to the wolves, and let Tony Turner pay the $50,000 fine for its violation of campaign funding laws and, presumably, absorb the $350,000 he expended on the party’s behalf and the additional $15,000 fine imposed on its treasurer. Jill Oberlander et als now claim that they had no idea that the six campaign clambakes, with bands, and the dozens of mass mailings sent out by Turner touting the party’s candidates cost more than $1,000 in total, and certainly nothing approaching $350,000. “Tony deceived us”, Oberlander told Greenwich Time reporter and fellow Democrat Neil Borshuck. “We just had no idea!”

FWIW has dug up a video of the moment the Democrats broke the news to Turner that they were abandoning him. The sincere attempt to console the poor sap is truly touching, as you can see.