Considering their own determination to destroy our country, it's no surprise that Warren and friends would welcome an extra hand

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

Iranian student with ties to Hezbollah denied entry, Warren goes nuts

 “This is shameful, irresponsible, and completely unacceptable." Elizabeth Warren.

An Iranian student who was denied entry to the United States on arrival and deported this week, amid objections from top Democrats and left-wing activists, has family ties to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and Lebanon-based terror group Hezbollah, a Department of Homeland Security official told Fox News.

Mohammad Shahab Dehghani Hossein was denied entry to the U.S. and detained on Sunday when he arrived on a student visa at Boston Logan International Airport.

His detention sparked outrage from activists, who flooded the airport demanding his release. It also drew objections from Northeastern University, where Dehghani was due to be enrolled, and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

But the DHS official, speaking to Fox News, said that the case was more complicated than some were letting on, and that there were legitimate reasons for rejecting Dehghani. Specifically, the official told Fox News that Dehghani’s family has links to the IRGC -- of which Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who was recently killed in a controversial U.S. strike, was a member -- and to terror group Hezbollah. That claim, first reported by WBUR News, focuses on his family's association with a company sanctioned by the U.S. for its terror ties.

That company was sanctioned by the Obama administration in 2010, when the Treasury Department identified the company as having been used by the IRGC to support terrorist activities outside of Iran -- namely in support of Hezbollah.

The DHS official also said there was information that Dehghani himself had recently been in Iraq. There was no information provided on what it was believed Dehghani was doing there. Meanwhile, a government official told The New York Times that Dehghani was the administrator of a YouTube channel called “Islamic Pulse,” which called for reprisals against the U.S. for Soleimani’s death.

But Democratic lawmakers were undeterred by the concerns raised about Dehghani. In their letter, Pressley, Warren and Markey brushed off the claims by arguing that while there are reported “familial” connections” to terror groups, there is no alleged connection involving Dehghani himself, and they note that he underwent background and security checks as part of the visa process.

The DHS official noted to Fox News that Dehghani had not merely been denied entry to the U.S., but that officials had taken the extra step of revoking Dehghani’s visa, rather than allowing him to voluntarily withdraw the application. The official said that the move, which bars Dehghani from getting another visa for five years, is an indication of the seriousness with which the connections were treated by CBP officials.