What is the world coming to?
/CNN's Jake Tapper shredded Biden Campaign Manager Kate Bedingfield for the former vice president and his team running with the idea filling a Supreme Court vacancy during an election year is unconstitutional. According to Bedingfield, the Republican-controlled Senate shouldn't move forward with confirming Judge Amy Coney Barrett because "people are voting."
"He said what [the GOP] is doing is not Constitutional. How is it not constitutional what they're doing?" Tapper asked.
"His point is that the people have the opportunity to weigh in on this constitutional process through their vote," Bedingfield explained. "And we are now in the midst of the election. Millions of people have already cast their votes. And you see that the vast majority of people say they want the person who wins the election on November 3rd to nominate the justice."
"That's a poll. That's not the Constitution," Tapper clapped back.
"By trying – that is their constitutional – there is a process of constitutional advise and consent. The American people get to have their say by voting for president, by voting for senators," she explained. "We are now 23 days from the election –"
"Right, but it's not unconstitutional," the CNN host added.
"Again, millions of votes – they're being, voters are being denied their constitutional right to have a say in this process – " Bedingfield attempted to explain.
"They elected the Senate!" Tapper quipped back.
"They're trying to ram through a nominee who, by the way, is going to change the makeup of the court. And we see, time and time again, poll after poll shows that most Americans vehemently disagree with it," she said.
"Again, Kate, that's a poll," Tapper said. "That is not what the word 'constitutional' means. Constitutional doesn't mean I like it or I don't like it. It means it's according to the U.S. Constitution. There's nothing unconstitutional about what the U.S. Senate is doing."
Poor Tapper, he may find himself in the tumbrel that’s already been summoned for Chuck Todd, who is now being accused of being “a Republican plant” because he interviewed Hugh Hewitt on “Meet the Press”.
As a side note, but following up on Greenwich Time’s new columnist David Rafferty’s ode to liberal tolerance, there’s this from former, now-forgotten liberal Kieth Olbermann describes what he and the Bolsheviks want done to Trump and his supporters once Democrats revolutionize the government.
"And then he, and his enablers, and his supporters, and his collaborators, and the Mike Lees, and the William Barrs, and the Sean Hannities, and the Mike Pences, and the Rudy Guilianis, and the Kyle Rittenhouses, and the Amy Coney Barretts must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society while we try to rebuild it and rebuild the world Trump has nearly destroyed by turning it over to a virus."