If they weren't so in the tank with Biden, they'd reverse the order of this

I’m getting tired now, so I yield my remaining time to the man from the White House

I’m getting tired now, so I yield my remaining time to the man from the White House

Debate Commission announces that it will mute the candidate’s mics while his opponent speaks uninterrupted for 15 minutes (will this also apply to the moderator? The last one interrupted Trump at every sentence). Hell, Ol’ Joe has already demonstrated that he can hold it together for 15 minutes — look how he stood up to that grilling about his favorite flavor milkshake today — the fun comes when he tries to extend beyond that.

The Commission would be doing Trump a huuuge favor if it muted his mic for the final hour, giving Biden the opportunity to show the public how he performs with a full hour to fill. When Donald calls me tomorrow for advice, I’m going to suggest the idea of just trying to remain silent for the entire show. It’d make for a memorable, historical evening.